Bookkeeping Services

Bookkeeping Firm in Vaughan, Ontario

  • Bookkeeping
  • Payroll
  • Government Filings
  • Taxes
  • Other Services

Bookkeeping Firm Vaughan

We will take care of all areas of bookkeeping and accounting. From helping you start your company, setting up your books from scratch, accounts payable, accounts receivable, invoicing, and cash receipt entries. There is no job too big or too small. We will customize our services to your needs.

Accounts Payable: You can have your bills sent directly to us where they will be paid in a timely manner. We prepare your checks for signature and send them to you to sign and mail out.

Accounts Receivable: We will invoice your customers and manage collection, as necessary. We can receive your payments and deposit them directly into your bank account

Reconciliation of Bank Statements & Credit Cards: Your bank and credit card statements can be sent to us directly for reconciliation and prepare month end reports.

Financial Statements: We will provide monthly financial statements for your review as part of our standard bookkeeping package. We can also provide year-end financial statements such as Notice to Readers etc. Even if you need full audited financial statements, this can be provided as well.


Bookkeeping Firm Vaughan

We will take care of all your payroll needs. We can set up a payroll system or manage your current payroll system. Preparation and submission of CRA remittances associated to CPP, EI and tax deductions. We will handle terminations, record of employment, T4 filings and more.


Bookkeeping Firm Vaughan

We will review, and file the HST sales tax, WSIB, EHT, year-end reviews, audits, etc.


Bookkeeping Firm Vaughan

BUSINESS/CORPORATE TAXES - We will review and make certain that you are kept up with the newest tax laws to ensure to minimize your tax liability. We will prepare and file your corporate T2 at your fiscal yearend.

PERSONAL TAXES - If you are a sole proprietor, we will make sure all bookkeeping entries are prepared and business expenses are categorized. This is finished with the filing of a T1.

Even if you are a salary or hourly employee, we will prepare your tax return and maximize your tax credits. All taxes are filed electronically.


Bookkeeping Firm Vaughan

TRAINING - We can provide training to yourself or your staff on how to use your selected software. The training can be one-on-one or in a group setting.

BOOKKEEPING SOFTWARE - We are QuickBooks Pro Advisors for both Online and Desktop versions. We also use the following software: Sage, Simply Accounting, Fresh books, Intuit Profile, CaseWare.

Other Services Include


  • Setting up Company / Personal Books
  • Setting up Accounting Software
  • Adjusting Entries
  • Reviews


  • Personal Taxes
  • Business Taxes
  • Self-employed
  • Prior Years
  • Reviews


  • Accounting Software
  • One-on-One with Users


  • Bookkeeping Services Vaughan
  • Accounting Services Vaughan
  • Tax Services Vaughan
  • MK Bookkeeping Inc. Logo